Fu-En Yang
I am a Research Scientist at NVIDIA Research, focusing on Multimodal AI, particularly transfer learning, generative models, multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), MLLM alignment, video modeling, and VLM agents.
I received my Ph.D. from National Taiwan University (NTU) in Jul. 2023, supervised by Prof. Yu-Chiang Frank Wang. Previously, I was a research intern at NVIDIA Research (Feb. 2023-Aug. 2023), focusing on efficient model personalization and vision-language models. Also, I was a Ph.D. program researcher at ASUS AICS from Sep. 2020 to Oct. 2022, specializing in visual transfer learning.
Prior to my Ph.D., I received my Bachelor's degree from Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University in 2018.
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My research interest is mainly on Multimodal AI, including transfer learning, efficient model fine-tuning, generative models, multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), MLLM alignment, video modeling, and VLM agents, etc.
Academic Services
- Conference Program Committee/Reviewer: ICLR 2025, AAAI 2025, NeurIPS 2024, ECCV 2024, ICML 2024, CVPR 2024, AAAI 2024, ACCV 2024, ICIP 2024, NeurIPS 2023, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2023, AAAI 2023, WACV 2023, ICIP 2023, ACCV 2022, CVPR 2022, AAAI 2022, WACV 2022, AAAI 2021, ICIP 2020, AAAI 2020
- Journal Reviewer: Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
- Honorable Mention at 2023 TAAI Ph.D. Thesis Award, Nov. 2023
- NTU Presidential Award for Graduate Students, Sep. 2023
- Merit Award at the 16th IPPR Doctoral Thesis Award, Aug. 2023
Teaching Assistant
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Spring 2019
- Computer Vision: from recognition to geometry, Fall 2018